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Welcome to our Procedures for Adult Care

Who should use the procedures

These procedures, practice guidance and tools should be used as required by practitioners across all adult social care teams and services in Lincolnshire. 

The information included will:

  • Guide and inform practice;
  • Provide information about local policy and procedures for social workers, occupational therapists and other social care practitioners in Lincolnshire; and
  • Keep practitioners up to date with local and national developments in adult social care.

Note: The guidance on this site is based on national legal requirements and best practice. Some sections have been localised but to ensure that your practice meets and reflects our internal processes and local requirements, you should always check the Local Resource Library for any additional guidance.

Key things to remember 

These key things apply to all adult care practitioners in Lincolnshire, in every conversation we have and every action we take.

  • Personalisation is not just about spending a personal budget; the conversations you have with people are interventions in themselves. Make Every Contact Count;
  • Make sure the person is at the centre of everything you do with and for them. This means taking into account their individual wishes and needs, their life circumstances and health choices and being flexible and creative to achieve this;
  • Always focus on building on people’s strengths and what they want to achieve to live a good life. A strengths–based approach means exploring the person’s own support networks, their family, friends, social and community networks, tapping into as much local knowledge as possible;
  • Always ensure that customers are supported to have as much choice and control over their support as possible. Think about the outcomes they want to achieve, rather than services. Give good information, advice and access to support so they can benefit fully from self-directed care and support;
  • Where there are gaps or unmet needs, ensure a personalised approach supports the person to make the best use of their personal budget and the support that is available from the local authority.

Personalisation: The Department of Health and Social Care defines personalisation as meaning ‘every person who receives support, whether provided by statutory services or funded by themselves, will have choice and control over the shape of that support in all care settings’.

There are a range of resources and guidance in the Local Resource Library to support you to take a personalised approach in practice. These include information from Think Local Act Personal (TLAP), the National Coproduction Advisory Group and the Making it Real Framework.

Local Resource Library

The Local Resource Library is where you will find all of our internal processes, documents and internet/intranet links to support effective implementation of the procedures. You can access these directly using the Local Resource Library button.

Register for Updates

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Provide feedback

To provide feedback, report any issues or suggest improvements to the procedures or Forms Library, please contact


To find out about the latest amendments to the procedures see: Amendments.

Children’s services and transitions

Practitioners working across both children's and adult services can easily access the Children's Procedures here.

Last Updated: February 10, 2025
