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Direct Payments

Scope of this chapter

This guidance should be read alongside Lincolnshire’s Direct Payments Policy, Procedure and Guidance:

Although this procedure may be helpful to those people based within teams responsible for managing Direct Payments, it does not provide specific guidance about their particular role in arranging, monitoring or reviewing Direct Payments, or any other associated actions that may be required. Anyone carrying out such actions should refer to available local processes and the following, as required:

The Care and Support (Direct Payments) Regulations 2014

Care and Support Statutory Guidance


In August 2024, this chapter was replaced with an updated version following a tri.x and local review.

August 12, 2024

A Direct Payment is a method of managing some or all of a personal budget. Instead of arranging services, the Local Authority makes regular financial payments to the person/carer so that they can arrange their own care and support/support. This allows them to choose how to use the money to meet the needs that the Local Authority has agreed to meet (either under its duty or powers).

Direct Payments are cash payments intended to give greater choice in care and support, enabling people to live independently in their own homes, and providing greater flexibility regarding how their service is provided and by whom, although there are some restrictions on how Direct Payments can be used.

Direct Payments can be paid directly to the person needing the care and support (or carer needing support) or to another person who they nominate. If a person with care and support needs lacks capacity, a suitable person can be authorised to receive the Direct Payments (see Section 4 below).

In Lincolnshire, Direct Payments are paid net of any contribution the person has been assessed to pay towards the cost of their care and support. The person is expected to pay their contribution into the Direct Payment account alongside the Local Authority payment and these funds together will make up the personal budget.

The Care Act requires us to ensure that the personal budget is sufficient to meet eligible needs and that we base this sufficient amount on what we would ordinarily expect to pay to meet eligible needs, with consideration of local market conditions. Personal budgets delivered through a Direct Payment are subject to assessed financial contributions in the same way as any community care service.

Lincolnshire County Council’s approach to providing Direct Payments, including who can get a Direct Payment and what it can be spent on, can be found in greater detail in the Direct Payment Policy, Direct Payment Procedure, and Direct Payment Guidance which can be found in the Local Resource Library under Direct Payments (Section 10).  

The Local Authority is expected to promote the use of Direct Payments, as they provide the maximum level of choice and control. The ability to meet needs by taking a Direct Payment must be clearly explained to the person/carer, so that they can make an informed decision about whether they wish to take this option.

This could apply:

  • When giving information and advice at any time;
  • During initial discussions about how eligible needs could be met;
  • When Care and Support Planning/Support Planning;
  • During statutory reviews; or
  • Throughout any process of monitoring.

This chapter will support you to provide general information and advice about the payment methods, and the process of arranging, monitoring and reviewing a Direct Payment.

Details about when a Direct Payment can/cannot legally be provided, and how it can be used, is available within the 'Direct Payments' section of the Care Act resource.

There is also a Lincolnshire Direct Payments Factsheet that can be provided to anyone thinking about a Direct Payment. This can be found in the Customer Finances folder (Section 9) of the Local Resource Library

General information and advice about Direct Payments should be provided whenever requested, or whenever you feel it would be beneficial.

The following is a list of information that you should be able to provide whenever:

  • A person/carer asks for it (reactive); or
  • You have identified a need for it (proactive);
  • When a Direct Payment can/cannot be provided;
  • How a Direct Payment can/cannot be used;
  • Who can/cannot manage a Direct Payment;
  • The process of arranging a Direct Payment;
  • How often a Direct Payment is normally paid;
  • How any assessed financial contributions should be made;
  • Prepaid Cards, Virtual Wallet, Third Party Supported Accounts, own separate bank accounts, and Suitable Person Accounts and how they work;
  • How Direct Payments are monitored, audited and reviewed.

When providing this information and advice, you should seek the support of your line manager or the team responsible for Direct Payments as required.

Also see the 'Direct Payments' section of the Care Act resource.

There is also a Lincolnshire Direct Payments Factsheet that can be provided to anyone thinking about a Direct Payment. This can be found in the Customer Finances folder (Section 9) of the Local Resource Library

The person must always be advised about the support available from the Direct Payments Support Service (currently provided by Penderels Trust) as part of the provision of information and advice about Direct Payments.

See: Penderels Trust website

If you require any further support you should:

  1. speak to your line manager; or
  2. contact the Direct Payments Support Service (Penderels Trust).

Direct Payments Microsoft Teams Channel

A dedicated channel has been set up on Microsoft Teams. This can be used by any Adult Care practitioner and provides:

  • easy access to all Direct Payment related documents and information to further develop your knowledge and understanding of Direct Payments;
  • sharing of updates, good news stories regarding flexible use of Direct Payments, discussing good practice, networking with colleagues;
  • opportunities to raise questions, thoughts and concerns;
  • sharing of presentations, invitations to join meetings, workshops / online training.
Need to know

Although you are expected to provide general information and advice about Direct Payments you should not provide specific information or advice about employer liabilities and responsibilities where a person intends to employ a Personal Assistant (PA). Nor should you ever recommend an individual PA. Where such information or advice is required, you should support the person to access it by making a referral to the Direct Payments Support Service (currently provided by Penderels Trust).

Online information is also available: Skills for Care – Support for individual employers and PAs.

Need to know

Any information you provide about available local services to meet needs should be objective and relevant to the person's needs. You must take care to ensure that you do not (or do not appear to) influence the person’s decision about which services to arrange.

When providing information and advice to a person with care and support needs (or a carer with Support needs), it must be given in a way that it can be understood and used. This is a legal requirement of the Care Act.

See: How to Provide Information and Advice

If you feel that the person/carer will need support to understand the information and advice provided to them, you should consider:

  1. Whether the information can be provided in a different way;
  2. Whether you can take any additional steps to support them to understand it (for example talking through the information on the telephone or in person);
  3. Whether it would be appropriate to appoint an independent advocate to support the person/carer to understand and use the information.
Need to know

For the sole purpose of understanding information and advice there is no duty under the Care Act to provide an independent advocate. This must be a local decision, taking into account the available evidence and presenting circumstances.

If you are not clear what the local arrangements are for the provision of independent advocacy for information and advice, you must speak with your line manager before making a referral.

A person who lacks capacity to request or manage a Direct Payment can still receive one under the Care Act so long as the person making the request for the Direct Payment is either:

  1. A person authorised under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 to make decisions relating to the person’s care and support (e.g. a Deputy or a Lasting Power of Attorney); or
  2. A person approved by someone authorised under the Mental Capacity Act to make decisions relating to care and support; or
  3. Where there is no authorised person under the Mental Capacity Act, the Local Authority considers the person making the request to be suitable.

If none of the above apply, a Direct Payment cannot be arranged.

Need to know

A suitable person is someone who you are satisfied will act in the best interest of the person receiving care and support when arranging support and services, and who;

  1. is willing to receive and manage the Direct Payment; and
  2. is capable of managing the Direct Payment.

If a person has fluctuating capacity, an authorised or suitable person must still be appointed to receive and manage the Direct Payments. However, during periods where the person has capacity to make decisions about the Direct Payment, the authorised or suitable person should allow the person to manage the Direct Payment themselves.

Before arranging the Direct Payment, you should be satisfied that the authorised or suitable person understands this and that it will be the case.

Monitoring a suitable person

You must make appropriate and proportionate arrangements to monitor the Direct Payment when you have concerns that a suitable person:

  1. may not be able to manage the Direct Payment; and/or
  2. may not arrange support and services that are in the Best Interests of the person; and/or
  3. where the person has fluctuating capacity, may not permit them to make their own decisions about how the Direct Payment is used when they have capacity to do so.

The option of using a Direct Payment to manage some or all of the personal budget should be discussed and agreed as part of the Care and Support/Support planning process.

This section of the chapter should be used when:

  1. a person or carer has requested a Direct Payment; or
  2. you have deemed it to be in their Best Interests; and
  3. you are satisfied that there is no reason why the person/carer, their nominated representative or a suitable person (if they lack capacity) should not receive a Direct Payment; and
  4. the Care and Support Plan/Support Plan has been signed off.

See: Care and Support Planning

See: Support Planning (carers only)

Before proceeding to arrange a Direct Payment, you should be satisfied that the individual that will be receiving and managing the payments will meet the following conditions. These are the conditions of all Direct Payments:

  1. The Direct Payment will only be used to pay for arrangements which meet the needs that the Local Authority has agreed to meet;
  2. The Direct Payment will not be used to pay a prohibited person to meet the needs;
  3. Where a person lacks capacity to make decisions about Direct Payments themselves, the authorised person will notify the Local Authority if the person gains this capacity; and
  4. Appropriate checks of carer’s criminal records will be carried out.
Need to know

People prohibited from providing care are relatives living in the same household as the person (unless there has been prior agreement due to the specific circumstances of the person by seeking approval from the Head of Service. The decision and rationale should be recorded in the person’s record. Where the employment of a close relative living in the same household has been agreed, the continued relevance of this arrangement should be considered at every review).

In addition to the above conditions, you should also be satisfied that:

  1. A Direct Payment is the most appropriate way of managing the personal budget and meeting needs;
  2. The person with care and support needs (or carer with support needs) is not excluded from receiving a Direct Payment under the Care Act;
  3. The individual who will be receiving and managing the Direct Payment is capable (with or without support);
  4. Where the individual who will be receiving or managing the Direct Payment is not the person with care and support needs (or carer with support needs), that they are willing and capable of managing it;
  5. Where the person with care and support needs lacks capacity, the Direct Payment will be used to arrange services that are in their best interests;
  6. If the Direct Payment will be used to employ a Personal Assistant, that employer related costs have been taken into account;
  7. If used to pay for respite in a care home, no more than four weeks of this will be taken consecutively in any 12 month period.

Note: For guidance about the above, including the four consecutive weeks in a care home rule, see the 'Direct Payments' section of the Care Act 2014 resource.

If you have any doubts about the above conditions, you should seek the advice of your line manager or the team responsible for Direct Payments.

Need to know

A Direct Payment cannot be provided to meet the needs of anyone who is subject to a requirement, license or order under criminal legislation that requires them to undertake drug or alcohol rehabilitation, behaviour therapy or testing.

Need to know
  1. If the same outcomes can be achieved for the person/carer, the Local Authority can decide not to provide a Direct Payment if it is more cost-effective to commission a service directly, so long as
  2. this does not have a negative impact on any flexible manner in which the service needs to be provided.

If you have any doubts about any of the above conditions, you should:

  1. seek the support and advice of your manager; or
  2. seek support and advice from the Direct Payments Support Service (Penderels Trust); and
  3. consider the need to apply or recommend that conditions are placed on the Direct Payment; or
  4. consider the need to make appropriate and proportionate arrangements to monitor the Direct Payment.
Need to know

So long as the above circumstances apply, a Direct Payment can be used to provide after-care services under Section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983.

The Local Authority is permitted to attach other conditions to a Direct Payment if it considers it appropriate to do so, for example, if there are concerns that a Direct Payment will be mismanaged or misused, or that arrangements will not be made in the best interests of a person who lacks capacity.

Examples of conditions include:

  1. Prohibiting a named individual from providing care;
  2. That certain information must be provided to enable effective monitoring;
  3. Using the most appropriate Direct Payment methods e.g. Pre-paid card, Virtual Wallet, Third Party Supported Account, dedicated own bank account or Suitable Person Account.

Indicators that conditions may be required include concerns about:

  1. a person's/carer's ability to receive or manage the Direct Payment (even with support);
  2. the ability of a nominated representative or suitable person to manage the Direct Payment;
  3. in the case of a person with care and support needs who lacks capacity, whether the suitable person will arrange services based on what is in their Best Interests;
  4. if the person has fluctuating capacity, whether the suitable person will permit them to manage the Direct Payment when they have capacity to do so; and
  5. the Direct Payment being used to purchase care from a family member living in the same household (without agreement to do so).

If you feel that it is necessary and appropriate for a condition to be placed on a Direct Payment, you should:

  1. seek the advice of your manager; and
  2. if they are in agreement, advise the person and / or the Direct Payments Support Service (if appropriate) responsible for monitoring and reviewing the Direct Payments of the condition that has been applied; and
  3. make appropriate arrangements to monitor that the condition is met; or
  4. if the condition relates to the provision of information about expenditure, recommend that the teams responsible for reviewing and auditing the Direct Payment apply and monitor the condition.
Need to know

Even though a condition can prohibit a named individual from providing care using the Direct Payment, the Local Authority cannot dictate who should provide the care.

Need to know

Decisions about attaching a condition or restriction to a Direct Payment should always be mindful that undue conditions and restrictions (such as restrictions on how a Direct Payment can be spent) can reduce choice and control. This could have the effect of reducing the overall effectiveness and value of the Direct Payment.

The Direct Payment should be arranged after the care and support plan is signed off and the final personal budget is agreed.

You should refer to available local processes and guidance to arrange the Direct Payment, including any requirements around the use of Direct Payment support services.

Direct Payments Procedure which is available in the Local Resource Library under Direct Payments (Section 10).

Prepaid cards

Direct Payments recipients can receive their Direct Payments via a Prepaid card unless this does not meet their needs. It is envisaged that this will speed up the process of putting Direct Payments in place as the person will no longer need to open a bank account.

There is Direct Payments Prepaid Card Guidance available in the Local Resource Library under Direct Payments (Section 10).

Virtual Wallet

The Virtual Wallet enables agreed funding (from social care, health, and the individual) to be loaded into an online account from which recipients pay providers for their services / care and support. Closely resembling an online bank account, the Virtual Wallet is easily used to make payments whilst also providing direct access to receipts, invoices, and spending reports.

Features of a Virtual Wallet:

  • Can be set up instantly by the recipient, with support from the software provider;
  • No need to open separate bank account;
  • Impossible to overspend;
  • Accessible 24/7;
  • Easy monitoring of budget spend and services;
  • Reduces the need to carry / handle cash;
  • Simple record keeping and audit evidence all in one place;
  • Access to a diverse marketplace;
  • Online calendar to easily view, edit or cancel appointments;
  • Simple care planning, with an easy to use drag and drop tool;
  • Available to all.

Further Virtual Wallet information can be found on the ACCW – Direct Payments Microsoft Teams Channel.

Third Party Supported Accounts

If a person needs support to manage their Direct Payments, a Third Party Supported account can be considered to manage the funds on their behalf. The account should be in the name of the person, carer, nominee, or authorised person who has signed the Direct Payment agreement. Where a Third Party Supported Account is set up, usually with the Direct Payments Support Service (Penderels Trust), moving to a Prepaid card or Virtual Wallet should be considered at each review with the aim of maximising the person’s independence in managing their Direct Payment.

Own separate Bank Account

It may be agreed in some circumstances that a person opens their own dedicated bank account, where a prepaid card or Virtual Wallet is not appropriate. This must be an account dedicated to receiving and spending the Direct Payments, as bank statements and evidence of expenditure will be required at audit.

For all payment methods:

We need to ensure individuals are who they say they are; this means checking their identity when we think they are likely to have Direct Payments. Please follow the Know Your Customer process in the Local Resource Library under Direct Payments (Section 10).

Need to know

If the person with care and support needs already has a Direct Payment under the National Health Service Act 2006, you should:

  1. speak to your manager; and
  2. explore whether the two Direct Payments can be provided as a single payment; and
  3. if so, follow any local processes for arranging this; but
  4. if not, arrange for a separate Local Authority Direct Payment in the normal way.

Further information about Personal Health Budgets can be found in Section 11, Personal Health Budgets (via a Direct Payment) below.

Making a Referral to the Direct Payments Support Service provider (Penderels Trust)

  • A referral must be made to Penderels Trust for any new Direct Payments set up, whether using an agency or Personal Assistant (PA), as it is crucial that people understand the support available, and their own responsibilities as outlined in the Direct Payment Terms and Conditions;
  • The referral form must be completed for all new Direct Payments set up. It is important to also consider referring people who may have received Direct Payments for many years, as they too may benefit from advice and support from Penderels Trust;
  • A Direct Payment should not be made to a person unless the referral to Penderels Trust is completed, or a clear rationale has been recorded in the person’s record as to why they have chosen not to receive this support. As a practitioner, you will need to discuss with your line manager to ensure the rationale gives confidence to us as an organisation that, in not making a referral, the person will not be disadvantaged, for example, in the provision of information and advice, or that the Direct Payments will still be managed properly.

Delays in arranging the Direct Payment must not lead to delays in meeting eligible needs.

If a delay in arranging the Direct Payment occurs, you must arrange interim services as required to ensure eligible needs are met.

The duty to meet eligible needs is not discharged when the Direct Payment is arranged, but when the services to meet eligible needs are in place.

If delays in arranging services occur, including delays in the person employing a Personal Assistant, you must arrange interim services as required to ensure eligible needs are met. These interim services should be commissioned by the Local Authority, and an adjustment should be made to any future Direct Payment paid.

You should consider what support the person or carer may need to arrange services:

  • Is a family member or friend able to assist?
  • If they have an advocate, can they support?
  • Is there anything you can do to help arrange the service e.g., speaking to a provider?
  • Making a referral to the Direct Payments Support Service, Penderels Trust.

If the person is finding it difficult to recruit a personal assistant, you should make sure they have access to specialist support and advice through the Direct Payments Support Service (Penderels Trust).

The Direct Payment should be monitored to ensure that it is being used to meet the needs in the Care and Support/Support Plan. This monitoring should be proportionate to the needs being met and the risks of mismanagement.

Depending on the nature of what is being monitored, it may be more appropriate for monitoring activity to be completed by the team responsible for auditing the Direct Payments.

Any monitoring activity should be clearly recorded.

Where the individual receiving the Direct Payment has been successfully managing it for an extended period, consideration should be given to reducing the amount of monitoring to the lowest level.

Need to know

Where Direct Payments are being made to an authorised person (Deputy of Lasting Power of Attorney), it is a condition of the Direct Payment that the authorised person must notify the Local Authority if the person gains this capacity. In those circumstances, the Local Authority should discuss whether the person wishes the Direct Payments to continue and make the appropriate arrangements.

Concerns about an existing Direct Payment can arise at any time and, if you are working with a person/carer who is using a Direct Payment, you should have conversations about how the Direct Payment is working as and when you feel they are required (not just during a statutory review or reassessment).

Examples of concerns could be:

  1. The person/carer or nominated representative does not appear to be able to receive or manage the Direct Payment appropriately, including providing Direct Payment audit responses and evidence (even with support);
  2. The Direct Payment is being used to buy items or pay for activities or services that are illegal or not meeting identified needs (for example, buying a gift, paying a household bill or gambling);
  3. In the case of a person with care and support needs who lacks capacity, the authorised or suitable person does not appear to be arranging services in their best interests;
  4. If the person has fluctuating capacity, the authorised or suitable person is not permitting them to make their own decisions about how to use the Direct Payment during periods when they have capacity to do so;
  5. The Direct Payment is being used to purchase care from a family member living in the same household (without agreement to do so);
  6. There are delays in arranging services and support to meet eligible needs.

Recording monitoring activity

Any monitoring activity that you carry out should be clearly recorded. In particular you should record:

  1. whether any specific item to be purchased with a one-off Direct Payment has been purchased as intended;
  2. whether concerns remain/exist;
  3. whether ongoing monitoring activity is required;
  4. whether the ongoing Direct Payment remains appropriate.

Concerns about an existing Direct Payment can arise at any time and, if you are working with a person/carer who is using a Direct Payment, you should:

  1. have conversations about how the Direct Payment is working as and when you feel they are required (not just during statutory reviews); and
  2. be vigilant to some of the possible concerns that could arise; and
  3. ensure that they are reported to the person best placed to respond (if this is not you).

Concerns can also be identified and raised by:

  1. the person with care and support needs (or carer with support needs);
  2. the person receiving or managing the Direct Payment (if not the person/carer);
  3. the team responsible for monitoring or reviewing the Direct Payments, the Direct Payments audit team, or Penderels Trust;
  4. a healthcare professional (e.g. a community or district nurse);
  5. another social care professional or practitioner (for example, a housing colleague);
  6. a Personal Assistant being employed through Direct Payments, or a care agency being paid through Direct Payments.

If you identify, or become aware of any concerns you must:

  1. record the concerns and the evidence for them;
  2. seek the support and advice of your line manager as required;
  3. take steps to resolve any issues that you are able to resolve;
  4. notify your line manager of the concerns and action taken (if not already done so when first identified); and
  5. notify any other teams involved in administering, monitoring or reviewing the Direct Payments, such as the Direct Payments Audit Team or Penderels Trust, if steps cannot be taken to address the issue without their involvement.

Depending on the circumstances, a decision may be made to:

  1. Place a condition (or further conditions) on the Direct Payment;
  2. Increase monitoring activity;
  3. Vary the Direct Payment;
  4. Temporarily suspend the Direct Payment; or
  5. End the Direct Payment.

Initial reviews of a Direct Payment must take place no later than 6 months after the first payment is made.

Further reviews must take place no less than every 12 months after that.

It is prudent to carry out more frequent reviews when specific conditions have been placed on the Direct Payment, or where there are concerns about mismanagement or misuse.

Need to know

Unless there is a valid reason not to, a Direct Payment review should normally coincide with the Care and Support/Support Plan review.

The purpose of the review is to:

  1. Reflect on what is working and not working about the Direct Payment;
  2. Consider what may need to change about the Direct Payment;
  3. Make sure the Direct Payment remains the most appropriate way to manage the personal budget and arrange the required services; and
  4. Make sure the Direct Payment is supporting the person/carer to meet the outcomes in the Care and Support/Support Plan.

In order to achieve its purpose, the following must all be reviewed, making use of information from the most recent Direct Payment audit:

  1. How well the process of receiving payments is working;
  2. How well the Direct Payment is being managed;
  3. Whether records required by the Local Authority are being maintained by the person receiving/managing the Direct Payment;
  4. Whether information is being provided to the Local Authority as required;
  5. Whether the Direct Payment is being used as anticipated;
  6. Whether the Direct Payment is supporting the person/carer to meet the outcomes in their Care and Support Plan/Support Plan.

The Direct Payment review must involve:

  1. The person receiving care and support (or carer receiving support); or
  2. Any carer a person with care and support needs has;
  3. The individual to whom the payments are being made (if this is not the person/carer);
  4. Anyone who is providing administrative or management support;
  5. Anybody the person/carer asks the Local Authority to involve;
  6. In the case of a person who lacks capacity, anybody authorised by the Mental Capacity Act to make decisions about care and support provided to the person (a Deputy of Power of Attorney); or
  7. Where no authorised person exists, anybody the Local Authority deems to be interested in their welfare.

It is also important to involve the team responsible for Direct Payments in the review. They will be able to provide information about whether the necessary record keeping and administrative requirements for receiving and managing a Direct Payment are being met.

If a Direct Payments audit / review is being carried out, this should be considered alongside any other statutory review that is taking place at that time, unless there is a valid reason not to do so.

This includes the review of:

  1. a Care and Support Plan;
  2. a Support Plan; or
  3. an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC Plan).

Direct Payments Support Service and Audit Team

It is not possible to carry out a Direct Payment review without the involvement of the Direct Payments Support Service or the Direct Payments Audit Team because they are the people who will be able to provide information about:

  1. whether records required by the Local Authority are being maintained by the person receiving/managing the Direct Payment; and
  2. whether information is being provided to the Local Authority as required.

They may also have been involved in monitoring existing concerns or have gathered other information that may be prudent to any decision about the ongoing appropriateness of the Direct Payment.

There are a number of options for involving the Direct Payments Support Service or the Direct Payments Audit team in the review, ranging from:

  1. consultation only; to
  2. a joint review.

The nature of the team's involvement in the review will depend on:

  1. the complexity of the Direct Payment;
  2. the existence of any concerns or conditions; and
  3. should be agreed in advance with them.

The review conversation must confirm:

  1. How well the process of receiving payments is working;
  2. How well the Direct Payment is being managed (including whether any conditions attached to it are being met);
  3. Whether the records required by the Local Authority are being maintained by the individual receiving and managing the Direct Payment;
  4. Whether information is being provided to the Local Authority as required;
  5. Whether the Direct Payment is being used as anticipated;
  6. Whether the Direct Payment is supporting the person/carer to meet the outcomes in their Care and Support Plan/Support Plan.
Need to know

If the following apply, the Direct Payment review conversation can be ‘light touch’:

  1. The person / carer (or their representative) receiving and managing the Direct Payment is happy to continue doing so;
  2. The Direct Payment remains an appropriate way to manage the personal budget and meet the needs identified in the Care and Support Plan; and
  3. The Local Authority has no concerns about how the Direct Payment is being managed or used.

In order for the outcome of a light touch Direct Payment audit / review to be sufficient you must be satisfied that the Direct Payment is:

  1. appropriate to meet the needs set out in the Care and Support/Support Plan;
  2. being well managed;
  3. being used appropriately to meet the needs and outcomes identified in the Care and Support/Support Plan.

The Local Authority is responsible for deciding the outcome of the review. However, all reasonable steps should be taken to reach an agreement with all those involved in the review.

The decision must have regard for:

  1. The views of the person/carer about the outcome;
  2. The impact of the outcome on the person/carer's wellbeing; and
  3. The views of anyone else consulted in the process.

Any decision must be evidence based and robust.

Throughout the process of audit / review, the practitioner carrying it out should talk to the person (or their representative) / carer and others involved about the likely outcome, endeavouring to reach an agreement about this as the process progresses.

The Local Authority is, however, responsible for making the final decision about the outcome of the audit / review. This is a decision that must be made with full regard for:

  1. information provided by the Review or Direct Payments Audit team; and always with regard for
  2. the views of the person/carer about the outcome;
  3. the impact of the outcome on the person/carer's wellbeing; and
  4. the views of anyone else consulted in the process.

Possible outcomes

There are four possible outcomes that may be recommended following a Direct Payment audit or review, which will be decided by the team involved:

  1. No changes required to the Direct Payment;
  2. Changes to one or more element of the Direct Payment;
  3. Suspension of the Direct Payment; or
  4. Termination of the Direct Payment.

There may be times when the person/carer, their representative or another person disagrees with the decision made about the review outcome. In this situation, you should be open to reviewing the available evidence to ensure that the decision is robust. You should be open and transparent about the evidence sources you have used and take steps to try and support the person/carer to understand the decision you have made. Where ongoing disagreement persists, you should make the person (or their representative)/carer aware of their right to complain.

The team reviewing the Direct Payments and the Direct Payments Audit team are responsible for:

  1. using the current review / audit tools used by the Local Authority for recording purposes; and
  2. establishing the timeframe for making a formal record; and
  3. understanding any particular local requirements for recording a Direct Payment review / audit.

If the audit / review is being completed as a combined review with another plan, the information should also be recorded as part of that review record.

If you are unclear, you should speak to your line manager before proceeding to make a formal record of the audit / review.

The following information should be recorded in a review record:

  1. Any issues or concerns about the processes of receiving and managing Direct Payments;
  2. Whether records required by the Local Authority are being maintained;
  3. Whether information is being provided to the Local Authority as required;
  4. Whether the Direct Payment is being used as anticipated;
  5. Whether the Direct Payment is supporting the person/carer to meet the outcomes in their Care and Support Plan/Support Plan;
  6. Whether the Direct Payment is still the most appropriate way to manage the personal budget and meet eligible needs;
  7. Whether any changes are required to the Direct Payment;
  8. Whether the Direct Payment will continue;
  9. The views of the person/carer receiving and managing the Direct Payment (or a nominated, authorised or suitable person) about all of the above.

The person/carer and any nominated, authorised or suitable person receiving or managing the Direct Payment must be provided with a copy of the formal record.

Actions following the review / audit

Deciding the timeframe for the next review / audit

If the Direct Payment is to continue, the next review / audit must be carried out within 12 months. However, the date can be earlier and decisions about the timeframe must consider:

  1. the need to monitor any aspect of the Direct Payment;
  2. when other statutory reviews are scheduled to take place (as a combined review should be arranged wherever possible);
  3. whether the Care and Support Plan/Support Plan is stable.

The agreed timeframe for the next review / audit should be clearly recorded on the review / audit record and any Care and Support Plan/Support Plan.

If it is unclear about an appropriate timeframe for review / audit, the teams should:

  1. seek the advice of their line manager; and
  2. obtain the views of the team responsible for managing / reviewing the Direct Payments.

See also Deciding the Outcome of a Care and Support Plan Review and Making a Formal Record.

Changing to a Prepaid card or Virtual Wallet

People who receive their personal budget via Direct Payments should be given the opportunity to have a Prepaid card or Virtual Wallet account at a review.

There is information in the Local Resource Library under Direct Payments – Section 10 about:

  • the internal process of changing to a prepaid card or Virtual Wallet;
  • information about changing to a prepaid card or Virtual Wallet for people.

Varying a Direct Payment

Variations to a Direct Payment include:

  1. the addition or removal of a condition;
  2. an increase in the Direct Payment paid;
  3. a decrease in the Direct payment paid;
  4. a change to the person receiving or managing the Direct Payment;
  5. a change to the payment method.

You should refer to available local processes and guidance to vary a Direct Payment.

Suspending a Direct Payment

A Direct Payment may be suspended when there are concerns about:

  1. a person's/carer's ability to receive or manage the Direct Payment (even with support); or
  2. the ability of a nominated representative or suitable person to manage the Direct Payment; or
  3. in the case of a person with care and support needs, whether the suitable person will arrange services based on what is in their Best Interests; or
  4. if the person has fluctuating capacity, whether the suitable person will permit them to manage the Direct Payment when they have capacity to do so; or
  5. the Direct Payment being used to purchase care from a family member living in the same household (without agreement to do so).

The following must be clearly recorded:

  1. The reason that the Direct Payment has been suspended;
  2. How long the Direct Payment is likely to be suspended for;
  3. The support that will be given to try and resolve the issue;
  4. How the situation will be monitored or reviewed;
  5. A Risk Assessment of the impact of suspending the Direct Payment; and
  6. Interim arrangements whilst the Direct Payment is suspended. 

Arranging alternative services and support

If a Direct Payment is suspended, the duty to meet eligible needs for care and support/support still applies. This means you must take steps to ensure that the statutory obligation of the Local Authority to meet eligible needs is met by arranging any interim services required.

Ending a Direct Payment 

Any individual in receipt of a Direct Payment (whether this is the person/carer or a nominated, authorised or suitable person) can request to terminate the payments at any time. At this request, the payments must be terminated, and alternative arrangements made to manage the personal budget and meet needs.

The Direct Payment must be ended if:

  1. the person/carer no longer wishes to receive the Direct Payment (when it is being paid to them and they have capacity to make this decision); or
  2. the person/carer becomes subject to a requirement, license or order to undergo drug or alcohol rehabilitation, behaviour therapy or testing; or
  3. the person no longer has eligible care and support needs; or
  4. a person with care and support needs moves into a care home; or
  5. the carer is no longer a carer as defined in the Care Act.

The Direct Payment must also be ended if any of the following situations apply and no resolution to continue the Direct Payment can be found:

  1. The person managing the Direct Payment has breached a condition of the Direct Payment Agreement;
  2. The person managing the Direct Payment has not been using the Direct Payment to meet eligible needs;
  3. The person with care and support needs has become permanently incapacitated and there is no suitable person to manage the Direct Payment;
  4. The Direct Payment is being used to pay for a family member living in the same household as the adult to provide care without prior agreement;
  5. A Direct Payment is no longer deemed the most effective way to meet the person/carer's needs.

You should refer to available local processes and guidance to end a Direct Payment.

Note: If the Direct Payment is being terminated because the individual receiving and managing it is no longer willing to do so, another Direct Payment can be arranged if there is a different individual willing and capable to assume this responsibility.

Need to know

Any decision to end, suspend or vary a Direct Payment must not lead to eligible needs being unmet. Where there is no continuation of services, you must arrange interim services as required to ensure eligible needs are met.

Need to know

The Local Authority may require the Direct Payment to be repaid if it has been used for purposes other than making arrangements to meet the needs that the Local Authority has agreed to meet, or where one of more conditions have not been complied with.

A personal health budget (PHB) is an amount of money to support identified health care and wellbeing needs, which have been planned and agreed between the person or their representative and the local NHS team. Anyone eligible to receive NHS Continuing Healthcare has a right to receive their support as a personal health budget. This right has been extended to people who access wheelchair services whose posture and mobility needs impact their wider health and social care needs, and to those eligible for section 117 aftercare services.

Personal budgets are designed to enable people who have long term conditions and disabilities to have greater choice, flexibility and control over health care and support they receive. Opportunities to request a PHB may arise when a Continuing Health Care Assessment is completed or reviewed.

There are three ways for a person to receive a PHB:

  1. Direct Payment: The person or their representative becomes the employer, holds the budget and manages it in accordance with the agreed support plan;
  2. Third Party Account: Someone not associated with the NHS or the person becomes the employer, holds the budget and manages it in accordance with the support plan;
  3. Notional budget: This may be referred to as a 'traditional care package'. The ICB/CHC team commission a care package in accordance with the support plan through a care agency.

Personal Health Budgets should be discussed with the individual once they have received confirmation that they are eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare but can be requested at any time.

For more information about personal health budgets, see:

Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board website

NHS website

Last Updated: February 10, 2025
