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Introduction, Legal Requirements and Tools (Carers)


In February 2025, Section 6, Quality Practice Assurance Standards was updated.

February 10, 2025

This procedure should be used by anyone that has been allocated or asked to carry out any process that establishes the eligible needs of a carer under the Care Act, including any formal assessment or reassessment of need.

If you are establishing the needs of a person with care and support needs, you should use the relevant procedure for your team/service.

Under the Care Act, any method of establishing needs is known as an assessment and this is the legally recognised term. Assessment is an integral part of Adult Care.

The term 'assessment' covers:

  1. the range of methods that can be used to establish needs, some of which are formal (for example, a face to face assessment) and some of which are not so formal (for example, a short telephone conversation); and
  2. the range of models and frameworks used to support or shape the process of information gathering.

Unfortunately, the word 'assessment' is all too often associated with outdated practices to gather information that do not support the ethos of the Care Act. For example:

  1. A process led by the assessor;
  2. A structured process involving the use of forms and arbitrary questions;
  3. An 'interview' of the carer being assessed; and
  4. A gateway to funding and services, the nature of which is decided by the assessor.

As a mechanism to promote and support new practices around assessment that are in line with the Care Act ethos and duties, these procedures intentionally use the phrase 'Establishing Needs' alongside the legal term 'assessment'. This supports users of the procedures to think more flexibly about what an 'assessment' can, and may need to involve so that it is:

  1. proportionate, only being formal or lengthy when it needs to be;
  2. led by the carer with support needs;
  3. appropriate to the carer and their situation; and
  4. a method of supporting the carer to find their own solutions to issues identified.

Under the Care Act, the main purpose of an assessment is:

  1. to provide a full picture of the carer's needs, with a particular focus on the impact that those needs have on their wellbeing and the outcomes they want to achieve in their day-to-day life; so that;
  2. the Local Authority can put in place appropriate, proportionate and timely arrangements for that carer in order to meet their needs and promote individual wellbeing. This response might range from offering guidance and information to arranging for services to meet the needs.
Important to know

Under the Care Act, the duty to promote individual wellbeing is intrinsically linked to the purpose of assessment. Any assessment that has not considered or promoted wellbeing has not fulfilled its legal requirements.

It is vital that you understand the principle of wellbeing in order to promote it. See: Promoting Individual Wellbeing.

A good assessment will also:

  1. support carers to understand their strengths and capabilities within the context of their situation;
  2. support carers to understand the support that may be available to them within the community or through other networks and services; and
  3. support carers to consider some of the different ways that the Local Authority may be able to support them (other than through a formal service).

The information gathered will help the Local Authority to:

  1. make a determination about eligibility (where eligibility is a factor in meeting assessed needs); and
  2. understand the kind of service provisions that could be explored when support planning.

Across the country and even within each Local Authority there are a range of models and frameworks used to support or shape the process of information gathering to establish needs. The Care Act recognises that different approaches are used but all must fulfil the same legal requirements.

See: Legal Requirements of a Carers Assessment, part of the Care Act 2014.

The Care Act does not require that a specific tool (or any tool at all) is used to support or shape the assessment process, but it does acknowledge that a good tool can be helpful. However, any tool should:

  1. facilitate and ensure the carer's involvement;
  2. support the information gathering process;
  3. be flexible and adaptable; and
  4. be appropriate and proportionate to the situation and needs of the carer being assessed.

See below for details of the tools that are available for you to use as required.

The process of establishing needs involves having a skilled conversation about:

  1. wellbeing and outcomes;
  2. needs; and
  3. risk.

You should consult with the carer when arranging the assessment to understand the specific communication needs that they have, so that any assessment tool you use will ensure their involvement in the conversation.

If you do not feel that the assessment tools available to you will be appropriate, you should speak to your manager about how they can be adapted.

All health and care professionals should be aware of frailty and identify where people would benefit from assessment and planning that minimises the impact of frailty on people’s wellbeing. This applies to carers as well as those people being supported.

Triggers are:

  1. Are you older than 85 years?
  2. Are you male?
  3. In general, do you have any health problems that require you to limit your activities?
  4. Do you need someone to help you regularly?
  5. In general, do you have any health problems that require you to stay at home?
  6. In case of need, can you count on someone close to you?
  7. Do you regularly use a cane, a walker, or a wheelchair to move about?

A carer hitting three or more of the seven triggers should be referred to their primary care team to request that a full frailty assessment is undertaken. This referral should be made using the Lincolnshire Frailty Pathway Letter, which is available via Mosaic.

For more information about the Lincolnshire Frailty Pathway, including resources and a practice toolkit see: Lincolnshire Frailty Pathway 

Lincolnshire Adult Care has adopted the PRISMA-7 Frailty Screening tool, embedded within its needs assessments to help practitioners identify when someone is experiencing frailty. This tool applies to carers as well as those people being supported.

PRISMA-7 is an internationally recognised basic seven question screening tool to identify individuals likely to be categorised as frail, who would benefit from a full frailty assessment, undertaken by either their primary care or neighbourhood working team.

The following are tools available to you that may enhance any assessment conversations and accessibility.

tri.x has developed a range of person centred tools that can support a carer to think about:

  1. what matters most to them, now and in the future;
  2. wellbeing;
  3. needs and what a good day/bad day looks like; and
  4. what is working/not working about a Support Plan and any services or support they receive.

See Resources for Person Centred and Strengths Based Conversations.

The quality of our strength-based conversations and assessment practice are vital to the experience of carers supported by our services. 

The Carer's Quality Practice Assurance Standards have been developed and informed by our workforce, legislation (Care Act 2014), good practice and the quality agenda to provide a framework which underpins excellent practice. Adherence to the standards should be evident in all interventions / interactions with our carers.

(See the Carers Quality Practice Assurance Standards which can be found in the Local Resource Library under Quality Practice Standards (Section 1)). 

The Carers Quality Practice Assurance Standards consist of an overarching quality statement and detailed key elements. All standards are applicable to all advisors and interventions. The key elements are applicable to all in a proportionate manner, dependent upon the carer's circumstance, needs and type of intervention being undertaken.

The Carer's Quality Practice Assurance Standards cover six domains:

  • Standard 1 - Strength based practice and engaging with people;
  • Standard 2 - Identifying and managing risks;
  • Standard 3 - Safeguarding everyone;
  • Standard 4 - Maximising choice and control;
  • Standard 5 - Monitoring, reviewing, reassessing support arrangements, and closing cases;
  • Standard 6 - The quality of our recording.

Regular assurance reviews are undertaken on each advisor to assess practice against the quality standards, to respond to themes and trends and support continuous improvement.

In addition, the Adult Quality Practice Assurance Standard 7, is dedicated to 'Informal Carers'. This standard supports the identification of Informal / Unpaid Carers, to understand the nature, frequency and intensity of the care they provide and their willingness to continue in this role. 

Adult Care workers should encourage carers to be involved in conversations and assessments with the cared for person and involved in support planning. Collaborative working between services involved is encouraged throughout.

Carers should be provided with information and advice about sources of support for carers, within the community, through networks and services, including referral to Local Authority Carer support services (Lincolnshire Carers Service, Young Carers Service).

Last Updated: February 10, 2025
