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Role of the Customer Service Centre


In February 2025, this chapter was updated.

February 10, 2025

The Customer Service Centre (CSC) is the hub for receiving and managing the first point of contact for Lincolnshire County Council.

The CSC for Adult Care is the first point of contact for most new requests and contacts from the public, other professionals, and people receiving services who are not allocated to a key worker.

The team is contacted for a wide variety of reasons. Each month, the CSC receives an average of 6,000 inbound contacts and makes in excess of 2,000 outbound calls.

The aim is for the CSC to resolve as many contacts as possible by simple signposting, providing information and advice or by having a strengths-based conversation with the person, discussing how best their needs/outcomes can be met. This could be by either making an onward referral to the appropriate service, providing information and advice, accessing their wider support network or with appropriate signposting. If the CSC is unable to identify how an outcome can be met following a conversation with the person/and or their representative, a request for a further conversation will be sent to the Area team.

Where appropriate, the CSC provides the first step in the person’s journey through the Adult Care system.

The following is a list of duties for which the CSC team is currently responsible.

The responsibilities of daytime advisors are:

  • receiving all contacts from the public and professionals who require advice and information or a service from Adult Care;
  • obtaining consent to record the person’s information and to share information if appropriate; usually this consent would be obtained verbally;
  • from the strengths-based conversation and information gathered, identifying the most appropriate service to meet the person’s needs, this could be:
    • support from the Lincolnshire Carers Service;
    • a safeguarding referral;
    • an initial conversation to determine if a person’s outcomes can be met by accessing a wider network of support, or if a further conversation is required by Adult Care;
    • a Wellbeing Service referral;
    • managing requests for an Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP);
    • appropriate Adult requests;
    • telecare;
    • mental health under 65 referral;
    • making referrals to the reablement service when appropriate.
  • providing general information and advice on which organisations or services can meet the identified needs, or referring / signposting to other organisations for further information or advice;
  • receiving equipment repair, replacement or collection requests and progressing them to the relevant team as per current process.

The Out of Hours Team provides support in an emergency situation, e.g. something that cannot safely wait until the next working day.

The Out of Hours Social Care Service provides emergency support to:

  • children and their families who may be at risk of family breakdown;
  • people with mental health issues, and their carers;
  • children and adults with safeguarding issues;
  • people with disabilities, and other adults experiencing, or at risk of experiencing abuse or neglect;
  • people needing to activate the Carers Emergency Response Service (CERS).

Last Updated: February 10, 2025
